Standing Up For Canadian Voices

No More Cuts! Protect the CBC!

Protect Canadian cultural sovereignty. Defend the CBC.

Support Online Harms Legislation Today.


Canadian content is more than just content. It’s our perspective, our values, our voices. And we know it’s world class. But it’s under threat. With decades of budget cuts to our public broadcaster, foreign streaming platforms getting a free ride, and theft of our news by global tech giants, Canadians want to know: when will Ottawa stand up for our own stories? It’s time to ensure that all who benefit from Canada’s creators, culture and public affairs programming also contribute to its success. Because if our stories disappear, so do we.

A truly public CBC/Radio-Canada

A truly public

We can make sure CBC/Radio-Canada is truly public, with fewer ads, more news, and more independence.


Telling our own stories

Telling our
own stories

We can level the playing field so more money flows back into Canada to invest in our great Canadian stories. 


Strong and credible journalism

Strong and
credible journalism

We need credible Canadian journalism. Democracy depends on it. We can protect it. 


Canadian values in Canadian media

Canadian values
in Canadian media

Hate, death threats, and violence have no place in traditional or social media.



Friends of Canadian Media is a non-partisan people-powered movement that stands up for Canadian voices, in public broadcasting, news media and culture. A strong CBC, fearless journalism, and our shared story make us who we are. But if our stories disappear, so do we. That’s why Friends of Canadian Media conducts leading-edge policy and opinion research on issues affecting Canadian culture and media, and works tirelessly so that Ottawa understands that millions of Canadians demand our government restores our public broadcaster, defends Canadian journalism, and supports great Canadian stories on air and online. FRIENDS is a not-for-profit organization that is not funded by government money or donations from political parties or entities regulated by the Canadian Radio- Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).